
web3.0 随笔

区块链、DAO、DApp、DeFi、NFT、Crypto、GameFi…什么是web3.02006年提出。当下,我们正在经历 web3.0 时代。而现在也正是在一个进化的阶段,但至于这只靴子具体能




2006年提出。当下,我们正在经历 web3.0 时代。而现在也正是在一个进化的阶段,但至于这只靴子具体能够落在哪,现在也没人知道。







  • 语义化的网络:互联网上的数据生产、搜索、分享等仅仅依赖语义本身
  • 人工智能:将语义化的能力做到能够和人类互通,更智能化的提供信息
  • 3D:博物馆指南、电脑游戏、电子商务、地理空间环境
  • 互联:互联程度提升
  • 无处不在:不仅仅依赖电脑和手机,IoT设备兴起
  • 区块链技术:依赖加密技术,摆脱隐私泄露
  • 去中心化:安全不被追踪
  • 边缘计算

基于web3.0是一个人为控制 -> 无感情的机器管控。强调个人价值的回归。


场景:在 Web 3.0 中,您可以在驾驶时向您的汽车助手提问:“我想看一部浪漫电影,吃日本料理。” 嵌入在汽车助手中的搜索引擎为您提供考虑您所在位置的个性化响应,通过自动查阅社交媒体上的评论(无利益相关),推荐与您的要求相匹配的最近电影院和一家不错的日本餐厅。 然后它甚至可以在显示屏上显示餐厅的 3D 菜单。


web3.0 为啥会引人关注(个人观点)

  • 传统的互联网野蛮生长,已经不存在,资本需要有资产标的。(包括元宇宙)
  • 有个华丽的外衣,可以解决目前诟病的隐私、安全等互联核心存在的问题
  • 隐私更强,也意味着一些见不得光的东西可以依附,比如洗钱等
  • 一些不怀好意的恶意炒作(包括某些资本、马斯克)

All in crypto——资本

https://blockstream.com/ —— BTC生态

https://consensys.net/ —— ETH生态


  • 以太坊
  • Hyperledger
  • solana
  • Polkdot
  • Flow
  • 蚂蚁链


  • 选择一条链。通用协议,例如ERC2.0,以太坊ERC20,能够保证不同的代币之间可以直接进行互换。(注意有这个能力,不代表真实环境可以完成,因为还需要买方和卖方)
contract ERC20 {
    // Maps user addresses to balances, similar to a dictionary in Cadence
    mapping (address => uint256) private _balances;

    function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) {
        // ensure the sender has a valid balance
        require(_balances[sender] >= amount);

        // subtract the amount from the senders ledger balance
        _balances[sender] = _balances[sender] - amount;

        // add the amount to the recipient’s ledger balance
        _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient] + amount
  • 部署自己智能合约(nft合约)
// This is a complete version of the ExampleNFT contract
// that includes withdraw and deposit functionality, as well as a
// collection resource that can be used to bundle NFTs together.
// It also includes a definition for the Minter resource,
// which can be used by admins to mint new NFTs.
// Learn more about non-fungible tokens in this tutorial: https://docs.onflow.org/docs/non-fungible-tokens

pub contract ExampleNFT {

    // Declare Path constants so paths do not have to be hardcoded
    // in transactions and scripts

    pub let CollectionStoragePath: StoragePath
    pub let CollectionPublicPath: PublicPath
    pub let MinterStoragePath: StoragePath

    // Declare the NFT resource type
    pub resource NFT {
        // The unique ID that differentiates each NFT
        pub let id: UInt64

        // Initialize both fields in the init function
        init(initID: UInt64) {
            self.id = initID

    // We define this interface purely as a way to allow users
    // to create public, restricted references to their NFT Collection.
    // They would use this to only publicly expose the deposit, getIDs,
    // and idExists fields in their Collection
    pub resource interface NFTReceiver {

        pub fun deposit(token: @NFT)

        pub fun getIDs(): [UInt64]

        pub fun idExists(id: UInt64): Bool

    // The definition of the Collection resource that
    // holds the NFTs that a user owns
    pub resource Collection: NFTReceiver {
        // dictionary of NFT conforming tokens
        // NFT is a resource type with an `UInt64` ID field
        pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NFT}

        // Initialize the NFTs field to an empty collection
        init () {
            self.ownedNFTs <- {}

        // withdraw 
        // Function that removes an NFT from the collection 
        // and moves it to the calling context
        pub fun withdraw(withdrawID: UInt64): @NFT {
            // If the NFT isn't found, the transaction panics and reverts
            let token <- self.ownedNFTs.remove(key: withdrawID)!

            return <-token

        // deposit 
        // Function that takes a NFT as an argument and 
        // adds it to the collections dictionary
        pub fun deposit(token: @NFT) {
            // add the new token to the dictionary with a force assignment
            // if there is already a value at that key, it will fail and revert
            self.ownedNFTs[token.id] <-! token

        // idExists checks to see if a NFT 
        // with the given ID exists in the collection
        pub fun idExists(id: UInt64): Bool {
            return self.ownedNFTs[id] != nil

        // getIDs returns an array of the IDs that are in the collection
        pub fun getIDs(): [UInt64] {
            return self.ownedNFTs.keys

        destroy() {
            destroy self.ownedNFTs

    // creates a new empty Collection resource and returns it 
    pub fun createEmptyCollection(): @Collection {
        return <- create Collection()

    // NFTMinter
    // Resource that would be owned by an admin or by a smart contract 
    // that allows them to mint new NFTs when needed
    pub resource NFTMinter {

        // the ID that is used to mint NFTs
        // it is only incremented so that NFT ids remain
        // unique. It also keeps track of the total number of NFTs
        // in existence
        pub var idCount: UInt64

        init() {
            self.idCount = 1

        // mintNFT 
        // Function that mints a new NFT with a new ID
        // and returns it to the caller
        pub fun mintNFT(): @NFT {

            // create a new NFT
            var newNFT <- create NFT(initID: self.idCount)

            // change the id so that each ID is unique
            self.idCount = self.idCount + 1 as UInt64
            return <-newNFT

    init() {
        self.CollectionStoragePath = /storage/nftTutorialCollection
        self.CollectionPublicPath = /public/nftTutorialCollection
        self.MinterStoragePath = /storage/nftTutorialMinter

        // store an empty NFT Collection in account storage
        self.account.save(<-self.createEmptyCollection(), to: self.CollectionStoragePath)

        // publish a reference to the Collection in storage
        self.account.link<&{NFTReceiver}>(self.CollectionPublicPath, target: self.CollectionStoragePath)

        // store a minter resource in account storage
        self.account.save(<-create NFTMinter(), to: self.MinterStoragePath)
  • 通过交易进行逻辑运行,例如这里的铸造币:
// Mint NFT

import ExampleNFT from 0x02

// This transaction allows the Minter account to mint an NFT
// and deposit it into its collection.

transaction {

    // The reference to the collection that will be receiving the NFT
    let receiverRef: &{ExampleNFT.NFTReceiver}

    // The reference to the Minter resource stored in account storage
    let minterRef: &ExampleNFT.NFTMinter

    prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {
        // Get the owner's collection capability and borrow a reference
        self.receiverRef = acct.getCapability<&{ExampleNFT.NFTReceiver}>(ExampleNFT.CollectionPublicPath)
            ?? panic("Could not borrow receiver reference")
        // Borrow a capability for the NFTMinter in storage
        self.minterRef = acct.borrow<&ExampleNFT.NFTMinter>(from: ExampleNFT.MinterStoragePath)
            ?? panic("could not borrow minter reference")

    execute {
        // Use the minter reference to mint an NFT, which deposits
        // the NFT into the collection that is sent as a parameter.
        let newNFT <- self.minterRef.mintNFT()

        self.receiverRef.deposit(token: <-newNFT)

        log("NFT Minted and deposited to Account 2's Collection")




  • 托管:用户将比特币发至中心化托管方,托管方存入多重签名的冷存储钱包中,并铸造WBTC代币作为返还。值得注意的是,此流程需要证明用户身份是否符合身份认证反洗钱法规。该方法需信任铸造代币的实体,但也具有一定的安全优势。—— WBTC、HBTC
  • 非托管:与包装比特币类似,但是却无需借助中心化托管方,只需通过智能合约或虚拟机即可保证资金安全并铸造代币。用户通过去信任化和无需许可的方式即可存入比特币并铸造代币化比特币 —— renBTC






最开始的NBA TOP SHOT、迷恋猫,以及最近爆火的stepn









  • 现在web3.0的产品没有一个比对应的web2的产品多提供了用户价值的
  • 资本力量很重要 但不是核心,算是助推剂;核心的我认为是项目方背景,他们有影响力,有人(投资方+韭菜)愿意参与。
  • 真实的价值目前不明显,后续会有,当时还只是解决了上链之后的资源的ownership问题
  • 从底层改变了生产关系,但是对生产力的影响现在我觉得没有,反而效率更低


所以当前的 web3 的核心焦点还是在去中心化,打着保护隐私、安全等一些旗号,发展一些可见不可见的能力,而在远处有一个猎人拿着枪随时准备开枪。


  1. 娱乐化,你懂得
  2. 创业团队
  3. 个人构建链应用(像曾经的小程序,万一火了呢)
